Saturday, August 04, 2012


Let's live our lives as we choose to.
Let's fly by design,
Let's not allow our hearts,
to be tampered
by foolish souls.
Let's not empower gossip,
Let's be happy,
We have style.
We are a team.
We are Family.

I can tell by the look in you eyes that you want to fly.

Thursday, August 02, 2012


All aspects of the present, future and circumstances seem complicated. But when I am with you, every single thing present and away, past, or future, everything seems simple, simple and easy...

Wednesday, August 01, 2012


When what you consider problems are created mostly by the mind, throw your brain away and grab your heart. When you consider problems are created mostly by the heart, cuddle, nourish and make it grow. Welcome heartys, full hearts, heart breaks...

Thursday, July 26, 2012


The core, the inside, the inner past of the deepest part: there you are, that, you are. There's no way back from this path of love. There is a way forward, always forward. I jumped into the pool a long time ago. Cannot even consider if there is water in it or not, because there is not "water", there are oceans, Oceans and Seas in which I dive you, I dive into you, we dive together. Molecules of water are just molecules of water, in the oceans, in the Oceans and Seas. Just the same, just radically different. The clear shout of independence of each molecule of water: the waves, the waves of your hands, of your body, the waves of your voice, that reach me foamy and softly.. My love, like an ocean, like the Oceans and Seas, limitless, endless, youless....

Friday, July 13, 2012


This is the first night. Of many more nights. It will be the beginning of the ending. Somehow I know. It could be a happy ending, or it may turn out a sad ending.... But endings are also beginnings of other things. Maybe it's the end of my silence. Maybe it's the beginning of my speech. I love you. I love you like I have never loved anyone. I should write in Spanish maybe, and let the google translator do the rest. But just going back into my blog has brought some amazing friendship from the past, just like that... in a click of mouse... I should write,  like a should breath like a should do some exercise.. and I will do all of it, very hard, and I will do it until my happiness pours out of the world and into the universe... Oh how much I love you, whoever, whatever, wherever you are... Unconditonal love...

Monday, May 14, 2012


¿Qué es lo que pasa en esta isla?
¿Qué es lo que pasa por mi cabeza?
Leo mis entradas anteriores, y me admiro de su contenido, me emociono con el estilo, con el humor, con tener una idea de mis ser hace cinco, cuatro, tres años... Y siento la necesidad de volver a escribir, la verdadera necesidad de dejar mi huella en mi blog, de contar lo que vivo, cómo lo vivo... en 3 días vuelvo a Madrid, tras un año y medio viviendo en medio del Océano Índico, en la República de Maldivas... vuelvo a escribir en mi blog. Esta vez voy a seguir. Es necesario...